The Library of the Great Lakes, in conjunction with libraries and organizations around the Great Lakes, is delighted to announce the book choices for Great Lakes Great Read 2024/25!
Children’s Book: The Water Walker by Joanne Robertson
Adult Book: The Best Part of Us by Sally Cole-Misch
Learn more about the community read in our announcement. And explore further at Great Lakes Great Read!
Congratulations Joanne and Sally!
Poet Keith Taylor intrigues us with The Mystery of the Lake in a new edition of Living Here.
Library of the Great Lakes receives grant!
We’re delighted to announce a new partnership with Monroe County’s One Book One Community. We have been awarded a mini-grant from the Michigan Arts and Culture Council and Creative Washtenaw to work with Monroe County Community College (MCCC) in creating a special program to launch a month-long celebration of reading in the spring of 2024. Michigan author Sally Cole-Misch spoke about her novel, The Best Part of Us. The kickoff event was a fun and interesting conversation. Check out the Elder Wisdom Mapping activity we shared with attendees!
This activity is supported by the Michigan Arts & Culture Council, administered by Creative Washtenaw.
Welcome to Library of the Great Lakes
Contained within the immensity, complexity, and beauty of the Great Lakes are stories of shifting tectonic plates, volcanoes, and glaciers; of mammoths, and hunters; of First Nations, explorers, fur-traders, miners, and loggers; of great ships and bustling cities and industries that changed the world; of countless lives altered, enriched, and lost. The Great Lakes region is the home to innovation, research, technology, science, industry, architecture, poetry, theater, freshwater studies, lake effect snow, sustainable agriculture, fisheries, wilderness and wildness.
One fifth of Earth’s fresh surface water is contained in the Great Lakes. Lakes Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, and Superior are so big they create their own weather.
It is time they had their own Library.
Collage Photos:
Top Row, left to right: “Sandhill Crane Flying on and Autumn Morning,” photograph by Silke-Maria Weineck; Photo courtesy of Amanda Rockafellow; The City of Buffalo Steam Side Wheeler, Library of Congress collection; Portion of Detroit Public Library in Midtown Detroit, Michigan, 1921, Library of Congress collection; Two Indian guides(?) standing, and two women seated, in canoe, in the Sault Sainte Marie region of Michigan, Library of Congress collection; Montreal Winter Carnival 1887, Library of Congress collection.
Bottom row, left to right: Neighboring Lighthouse, Lake Michigan, St Joseph, MI, Library of Congress collection; Inspection Lincoln Motor Co. Detroit 1914 1915, Library of Congress collection; Sleeping Bear Dune_credit:; Great Lakes from space_credit: EPA; Photo courtesy of Amanda Rockafellow; McGregor Memorial Conference Cent., Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, Library of Congress collection.