Exciting new program:

A children's book and one for adults.
Library of the Great Lakes in conjunction with libraries and organizations around the Great Lakes, is delighted to announce a new basin-wide reading program!
Read our announcement and discover the books!
Basin-wide Book Club!
Great Lakes Echo talks about Great Lakes, Great Read:
Need a summer read? Join this basin-wide book club

Library of the Great Lakes receives grant!

New Partnership!
We’re delighted to announce a new partnership with Monroe County’s One Book One Community. We have been awarded a mini-grant from the Michigan Arts and Culture Council and Creative Washtenaw to work with Monroe County Community College (MCCC) in creating a special program to launch a month-long celebration of reading in the spring of 2024. Michigan author Sally Cole-Misch will talk about her novel, The Best Part of Us. The kick-off event will be on March 12, 2024.
This activity is supported by the Michigan Arts and Culture Council and administered by Creative Washtenaw.
For Love of Water Advisor Dave Dempsey writes:

Long Overdue: A Library of the Great Lakes The Great Lakes have spawned a multitude of institutions from research to governance to the arts—but no library. Several leaders say it’s long overdue.
An interview with Deb Polich:

Amplifying Stories of the Great Lakes A conversation with Library of the Great Lakes co-founder, Inger Schultz

President and Co-Founder